Swamp Witch

  • Euro
Swamp Witch.ttf
Stiahni @font-face


Poznámka autora

Swamp Witch Font by Chad Savage

Created 2009, hand-lettered just after Halloween.

This is a free font, and I mean FREE. Use it however you want, for whatever you want. If you make something cool with it, I'd love to see it - email me at savage@sinistervisions.com and tell me about it. If you offer it for download on your own font site, PLEASE include this Read Me. That's not too much to ask, is it?

This font is intended for specialty and graphic uses. It will look just awful if used in a paragraph format.

For more free fonts and other downloadable goodies, visit http://www.sinisterfonts.com

FOR INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO INSTALL/USE THIS FONT, visit http://www.sinisterfonts.com, or just look it up on Google. Seriously. Don't email me and ask - this information is easily found with a 20-second search.

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Základné informácie

Zmienka o autorských právach
Typeface © Sinister Visions inc. 2009. All Rights Reserved
Rodina písma
Swamp Witch
Podrodina písma
Unikátna identifikácia podrodiny
Swamp Witch: Version 1.00
Celý názov písma
Swamp Witch
Verzia tabuľky názvu
Version 1.00 November 28, 2009, initial release
Postskriptový názov písma
Zmienka o ochrannej značke
This font is FREE TO USE, for WHATEVER YOU WANT. Just PLEASE credit SinisterVisions.com wherever appropriate, and for crying out loud, don't claim you made it yourself, 'cause hey, you didn't!

Rozšírené informácie

Podporované platformy

UnicodeUnikód 2.0 a nasledovná sémantika, len BMP unikód
MacintoshZápadné (roman)
MicrosoftLen BMP unikód


Počet znakov156
Jednotiek na Em2048
Práva vloženiaVloženie na zmenu (editovanie) povolené
Klasifikácia rodinyVoľné pätky
Mac štýlTučné
SmerZnaky smerované zľava doprava
Štýl vzorkyNormálny