Sprayerz DEMO- B85 Regular

Stiahni @font-face


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Sprayerz font by B85 is a free graffiti-like font with edgy characters covered in thick drops of excess paint. Letters are bold, large, and embellished with multiple vertical lines inside their styles. The uniformity that connects individual letters indeed makes the typeface look much more outstanding.

Free fonts with such vibes aren’t easy to come around, so be sure to enjoy this one in your advertising design ideas and projects like T-shirts, hoodies, mugs printing. Other perfect use examples include packaging, branding application on apparel items including sneakers or jeans to name a few.


This is a free demo version for personal use. It includes only upper and lower case letters.

For the full version, which includes numbers, punctuation, and symbols, please purchase it at www.beraka.cl/fonts

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Základné informácie

Rodina písma
Sprayerz DEMO- B85
Podrodina písma
Unikátna identifikácia podrodiny
Sprayerz DEMO- B85 Regular:Version 1.000
Celý názov písma
Sprayerz DEMO- B85 Regular
Verzia tabuľky názvu
Version 1.000;January 27, 2025;FontCreator 64-bit
Postskriptový názov písma

Rozšírené informácie

Podporované platformy

UnicodeUnikód 2.0 a nasledovná sémantika, len BMP unikód
MicrosoftLen BMP unikód


Počet znakov53
Jednotiek na Em2048
Práva vloženiaVloženie na zmenu (editovanie) povolené
Klasifikácia rodinyPísané (skriptové)
VáhaStredné (normálne)
ŠírkaStredne široké
Mac štýlTučné
SmerZnaky smerované zľava doprava + neutrály
Štýl vzorkyNormálny