Pixel Georgia

Pixel Georgia rodina obsahuje 2 fonty
Pixel Georgia Vasily Draigo TrueTypeFreeware
  • Akcenty (čiastočné)
Pixel Georgia.ttf
Stiahni @font-face


Poznámka autora

Pixel Georgia, designed by Daymarius, is a distinctive bitmap font that marries the nostalgic charm of pixel art with the readability of classic typefaces. With its semi-light weight and crisp pixelated style, this font evokes the golden era of early computer graphics while maintaining a contemporary edge.

Its aesthetic appeal lies in its balance between retro allure and modern clarity, making it both visually intriguing and functional. The unique characteristics of Pixel Georgia allow it to stand out in any digital space, providing a touch of personality to websites, games, and digital interfaces where a hint of vintage computing is desired.

The versatility of Pixel Georgia extends to various creative projects. Whether you're crafting an indie game interface that requires an 8-bit touch or designing engaging graphics for a tech-themed event, this font offers legibility without sacrificing style. Its pixelated contours are sure to capture attention while still being approachable and easy on the eyes—a rare combination that amplifies its suitability for designers aiming for that retro-modern fusion.

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Základné informácie

Rodina písma
Pixel Georgia
Podrodina písma
Unikátna identifikácia podrodiny
Version 1.00 January 27, 2020, initial release;DAY;PixelGeorgia;2020;FLVI-701
Celý názov písma
Pixel Georgia
Verzia tabuľky názvu
Version 1.00 January 27, 2020, initial release
Postskriptový názov písma
Vasily Draigo aka Daymarius
Vasily Draigo aka Daymarius

Rozšírené informácie

Podporované platformy

UnicodeUnikód 2.0 a nasledovná sémantika, len BMP unikód
MacintoshZápadné (roman)
MicrosoftLen BMP unikód


Počet znakov350
Jednotiek na Em4096
Práva vloženiaVloženie povolené len na prezretie a tlač
Klasifikácia rodinyBez klasifikácie
VáhaStredne ľahké
ŠírkaStredné (normálne)
Mac štýlTučné
SmerZnaky smerované zľava doprava + neutrály
Štýl vzorkyNormálny
Kompletný balík obsahuje 2 druhy písma:
Pixel Georgia.ttf
Pixel Georgia Bold.ttf
Pixel Georgia Bold TrueTypeFreeware
  • Akcenty (čiastočné)
Pixel Georgia Bold.ttf