Letra Hipster - Personal Use

letra hipster - personal use-by juan casco.ttf


Poznámka autora

Letra Hipster, a captivating handwritten font crafted by Juan Casco, exudes a distinctive charm that effortlessly blends vintage allure and modern elegance. With its fluid, organic strokes and playful ligatures, this font evokes a sense of whimsy and artistry, inviting the reader to indulge in its expressive beauty. The font's unique character and dynamic flow seamlessly capture the essence of a handcrafted aesthetic, making it a visually striking choice for a wide range of design projects.

Letra Hipster's versatility shines through its ability to seamlessly transition between various design contexts. From eye-catching headlines and impactful branding to authentic-looking packaging and charming editorial layouts, this font's adaptable nature allows designers to infuse their work with a touch of artisanal flair. Whether crafting a vintage-inspired logo, curating a rustic-chic invitation, or designing a captivating book cover, Letra Hipster's distinctive personality effortlessly elevates the overall aesthetic, fostering a captivating and memorable visual experience.

Free for personal use, commercial use requires payment. Write me to metanorocker14@hotmail.com www.juancasco.net

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Základné informácie

Rodina písma
Letra Hipster - Personal Use
Podrodina písma
Unikátna identifikácia podrodiny
Letra Hipster - Personal Use:Version 1.00
Celý názov písma
Letra Hipster - Personal Use
Verzia tabuľky názvu
Version 1.00 October 20, 2016, initial release
Postskriptový názov písma
Free for personal use, commercial use requieres payment

Rozšírené informácie

Podporované platformy

UnicodeUnikód 2.0 a nasledovná sémantika, len BMP unikód
MacintoshZápadné (roman)
MicrosoftLen BMP unikód


Počet znakov105
Jednotiek na Em2048
Práva vloženiaVloženie zakázané!
Klasifikácia rodinyPísané (skriptové)
VáhaStredne ľahké
ŠírkaStredné (normálne)
Mac štýlTučné
SmerZnaky smerované zľava doprava
Štýl vzorkyKurzíva