BD Lettering Reduced

BD Lettering rodina obsahuje 4 fonty
BD Lettering Reduced.ttf
Stiahni @font-face


Poznámka autora

BD Lettering Reduced font is a comic-script typeface designed by ingoFonts.

The BD Lettering is a computer font, but closely resembles genuine handwriting.

In the past cartoons used to be lettered by hand. Hardly anyone does this today. The reason is, because hardly anyone has nice handwriting these days, so there are practical advantages in having a special font. However the font should still look like its been written by hand. Well, most script fonts dont meet this requirement.

In order for the typeface to actually look handwritten, it needs to have clearly visible irregularities. These are not found only in the shapes of the individual letters. Even though BD Lettering is all in capital letters, the characters of uppercase and lowercase letters are clearly different. Additionally, many alternative shapes are used, which are automatically applied when the OpenType Ligatures feature is activated. Thus, there are no identical double letters or numerals, and many character combinations are defined as ligatures with alternative forms.

By the waythe name of this font is a tribute to the Belgian and French comics, which are referred to there as bande dessine, in short bd or even the abbreviation BD.

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Základné informácie

Zmienka o autorských právach
Copyright (c) 2018 by Ingo Zimmermann. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
Rodina písma
BD Lettering
Podrodina písma
Unikátna identifikácia podrodiny
IngoZimmermann: BD Lettering Reduced: 2018
Celý názov písma
BD Lettering Reduced
Verzia tabuľky názvu
Version 1.003
Postskriptový názov písma
Zmienka o ochrannej značke
BD Lettering Reduced ist eine Marke von Ingo Zimmermann.
Copyright (c) 2018 by Ingo Zimmermann. All rights reserved.

Rozšírené informácie

Podporované platformy

UnicodeUnikód 2.0 a nasledovná sémantika, len BMP unikód
MacintoshZápadné (roman)
MicrosoftLen BMP unikód


Počet znakov53
Jednotiek na Em1000
Práva vloženiaVloženie na zmenu (editovanie) povolené
Klasifikácia rodinyPísané (skriptové)
VáhaStredne ľahké
ŠírkaStredné (normálne)
Mac štýlPodčiarknuté
SmerZnaky smerované zľava doprava + neutrály
Štýl vzorkyKurzíva
Kompletný balík obsahuje 4 druhy písma:
BD Lettering Reduced.ttf
BD Lettering Reduced Black.ttf
BD Lettering Reduced Bold.ttf
BD Lettering Reduced Ultra.ttf
BD Lettering Reduced Black Web stránka TrueTypePre osobnú potrebu
BD Lettering Reduced Black.ttf
BD Lettering Reduced Bold Web stránka TrueTypePre osobnú potrebu
BD Lettering Reduced Bold.ttf
BD Lettering Reduced Ultra Web stránka TrueTypePre osobnú potrebu
BD Lettering Reduced Ultra.ttf